Joining NSU-Guest
1. Connect to the NSU-Guest Wi-Fi.
2. A browser window will display for Logging in. Click on Register.

3. Fill out the fields with the asterisks (*) required information.
3a. Optional fields are Phone Number and Mobile Carrier for notifications.

4. Click on the ‘I accept the terms of use' checkbox.

5. Click on Register.

6. A self-registration receipt will be viewable. This will include the Account Username and the Guest Password. An email of the receipt will be sent to the registered email.
6a. Guest accounts only last 7 days from when it was registered.

7. Click Log In. Once the connection has been made the browser will be redirected to the NSU’s homepage:

Logging in with a Guest Account
If you need to access the guest Wi-Fi on other devices connect to NSU-Guest.
1. A browser window will display asking to Login. Click on Register.

2. Click on Sign In.

3. Type in the NSU Guest Username and Password.

4. Click on the ‘I accept the terms of use' checkbox.

5. Click Log In. Once the connection has been made the browser will be redirected to the NSU’s homepage: