Facilitation / Web Conferencing

Facilitation / Web Conferencing

The Client Services team provides Facilitation and Web Conferencing services to the university community. The advancement of technology allows us to connect people together, from different locations. Sometimes this type of technology malfunctions. Other times, you may need someone to come out and ensure everything is setup and ready to go! 

Submit a ticket with us if you experience an issue with Facilitation and Web Conferencing technology.

Submit a ticket with us if you need a Facilitator to assist with connecting Distance Learning Classes, Department Meetings/Conferences, and NSU Sponsored Academic Events.

Before requesting Facilitation, please review the Facilitation Policy. Your request may be denied if it does not meet the requirements outlined below. All facilitation requests must be submitted 36-hours in advance. 

Facilitation Policy

Distance Learning Classes

  1. First and second week of each semester, IT Client Services will provide Student Worker facilitation for 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to start and 15 minutes after the class has begun, at both the originating and receiving sites (If applicable).

    • Faculty are responsible for starting and establishing the class connection from the originating site.

    • Faculty are responsible for notifying IT Client Services of the location of the receiving and originating sites. 

    • Faculty are not requires to request facilitation. 

    • Faculty should submit their teaching/class meeting schedule(s) upon their facilitation ticket submission. 

    • Faculty are responsible for providing the Zoom Meeting ID Number for their course to the facilitator and Students.

    • ITS only provides facilitation for Zoom capable spaces. 

    • All changes must be submitted 36-hours in advance. 

  2. During the first week of each semester, a technician will provide facilitation 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to begin and 15 minutes after the class has begun, as the schedule permits.

  3. ITS does not proctor, distribute, or collect, exams and assignments. Arrangements should be made by Faculty within their department/college.

Center for Teaching and Learning provides Zoom training to Faculty who are new to teaching a Distance Learning Class or to those who would like a refresher. Please contact them by submitting a ticket to the Service Desk. Your ticket will be reassigned to the CTL group. The IT Service Desk may submit a ticket on your behalf to schedule training if it is deemed necessary.

The Scheduler assigns room locations to classes through AdAstra. Please contact them at scheduler@nsuok.edu if you have questions or concerns about your assigned room(s) for your classes.

IT Client Services provides facilitation, as outlined aboved, to the following Distance Learning Classroom locations:

Zoom Locations

Broken Arrow: BAAS 215, BABT 125, BABT 138, BAED 214, BALA 114, BALA 116, BALA 276, BASC 219

Tahlequah: Admin 110, Admin 112, Admin 117, BAGLEY 101, BAGLEY 201, BAGLEY 202, BAGLEY 243, BT 125, BT 211A, BT 217, SC 257, SH 122, SH 204, SH 227, WEBB 614

Muskogee: Admin 112, SYNAR 211, SYNAR 220, Synar 211

Conferences, Department, and Committee Meetings

  1. Facilitation will be provided by an Student Worker or Full Time Technician (depending on availability) at the originating site only. 

    • A Student Worker or Full Time Technician will only facilitate the receiving sites upon specific request.

  2. Facilitation Requests must be submitted thiry-six (36) hours in advance.

  3. Room Reservations for Conferences, Department and Committee Meeting should be scheduled and approved through AdAstra.

    • If your room reservation has not been submitted and approved by The Scheduler 36 hours in advance to requesting Faciliation, ITS may deny your Facilitation request.  

NSU Sponsored Events

  1. Facilitation will be provided by a Student Worker or Full Time Technician (depending on availability) at the originating site only

    • A Student Worker or Full Time Technician will only facilitate the receiving sites upon specific request.

  2. Facilitation Requests must be submitted thirty-six (36) hours in advance. Any changes to the event must also be submitted 36-hours before the event date. Service will be denied if the request goes beyond our capabilities or is deemed to not fall under our support.

  3. Room Reservations for Conferences, Department and Committee Meeting should be scheduled and approved through AdAstra.

    • If your room reservation has not been submitted and approved by The Scheduler 36 hours in advance to requesting Facilitation, ITS may deny your Facilitation request.  

  4. A ticket will be created by the IT Service Desk if:

    1. An Event Space Reservation in AdAstra denotes Facilitation needs.

      • A notification email is generated by The Scheduler and sent to the IT Service Desk to schedule Facilitation.

    2. An Event Support Request from Auxiliary Services or Performing Arts personnel is sent to the IT Service Desk to schedule Facilitation.

Submit a Ticket

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